Here's how  Buy me a Coffee  does its  Account Verification  and  Sign up
Right on the homepage, Buy me a Coffee prompts the user to start using the platform by choosing a URL for their page.
As soon as you click on the button, there's a message asking the user to "Please check your email for a verification code"
After inputing the verification code, there's a screen where you can upload a profile photos and fill other information. In this step you can also change your link - This is a good way of telling the user that the link doesn't exist without disrupting the experience right on the first page.
The last step is to choose the currency and how you want to withdraw your money.
There's no onboarding guide or instructions on how to use the platform. The user just sees their page with no other explanation.
Shortly after you've created your account, a very long email is sent with tips on how to use Buy me a Coffee
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